Scrape websites, automate your workflows
Based on leading browser Google Chrome
Scheduled jobs run every hour, day, or week
Send Slack notifications, emails, and SMS
Easy-to-use developer API
IFTTT webhook integrations
Open source
Download the source code on GitHub and host it yourself, or use the NPM package in your projects.
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MIT licensed
Puppet Starter
- Unlimited usage
- 5 minute long jobs
- 7-day job history
- No Secrets ?
- No emails or SMS
Get started →
7 days free
Puppet Master
- Unlimited usage
- Unlimited job duration
- Unlimited job history
- Unlimited Secrets ?
- Send emails and SMS
Get started →
7 days free
- Save a webpage on the Internet Archive
- Send yourself daily weather on Slack
- Download stories from an Instagram user
- Monitor website uptime and email if down
- Audit website performance with Lighthouse
- Follow hashtag users on Twitter (with Secrets)
- Take screenshots of different viewports
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Secrets?
Secrets are a form of encrypted text storage that allow you to store sensitive information. For example, you can use Secrets to store your username and password to use Puppet when logging in to web services. Secrets are encrypted with AES-256 using a unique key specific to you.Do you offer discounts to students and teachers?
If you have an educational email address, you receive the Puppet Master plan for free. Just sign up with your school/university email and it will be activated. If you have an unrecognized institution domain, contact us with your ID and we'll set you up.Do you offer discounts to nonprofits?
If you're representing a registered nonprofit in your jurisdiction (like 501/c in the US), let us know and we'll give you the Puppet Master plan for free.How unlimited is unlimited, really?
- Unlimited fair usage: As long as you don't crash our servers, you can use as many jobs as you like. We have a rate limit of 100 requests per minute. We'll let you know if we're not comfortable with your usage, but this has never happened before.
- In the Puppet Master plan, we don't cap the job duration, but any running jobs will stop if we're running maintenance or updating our APIs. You should be fine as long as you don't run a job longer than tens of hours. This has also never happened before.